Thursday consisted of sushi, seven bars, getting hustled in pool by a woman and a man in tuxedo shirt, car bombs, tequila shots, fist pumping, poor wingman play, more fist pumping, a very natural woman saying "sing to me" on the dance floor, and late night mcdonalds that tasted like heaven. A great start to what would be an unreal weekend.
Friday consisted of tight calves, dehydration, and a weird early morning all to be forgotten as these two balding studs flew to the bahamas. Shipwrecks, goats in a cinder block park (yeah that actually happened), enough conk to make you never want to say that word again, beach vibrations, reggae music, more conk, loud music that only the guy with superman hearing could hear over, a native of the island who had a wife from jersey, a flight home... all followed by scotch, snake bites, and passing out while you were still awake.
Saturday took things to a whole new level. Surfing on south beach, women hearing things they are not supposed to hear, getting black on the beach, brain freezes and a buzz at wet willies, more beach, a house party, rum punch, the band that rocked the house, a smokin tv reporter "way of your league"...Permi Lounge, couch dancing for an hour, tequila and vodka tonics (really?), fist pumping, more fist pumping, tearing up the dance floor, going to the ghetto side of the party and not feeling welcome and very awkward, shorts in the club, losing your license and debit card, getting made fun of for being from jersey and in true jersey fashion saying "go f yourself", drive home, taco bell, locked out of the house, eating taco bell on the porch, passing out on the couch, waking up to a friend sawing wood on the couch so loud you can't sleep, 8am flight: Priceless.
Living the Dream,
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